
deepC Store’s flagship project will be the development and operation of Australia and Asia Pacific’s first floating multi-user Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) hub, CStore1

Covering the entire CCS value chain, CStore1 consists of:

  • Capturing and liquefying CO2  from multiple industrial sources in Australia and potentially the Asia-Pacific Region.

  • Shipping liquid CO2 from industrial sources to CStore1’s Floating Storage and Injection (FSI) Hub located in offshore Northern / Western Australia.

  • Offloading and temporarily storing liquid CO2 at the FSI Hub prior to injection.

  • Injecting and storing CO2 in a permanent subsurface geological formation near the FSI Hub.

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The CStore1 Project has a planned CO2 injection capacity of between 1.5 and 7.5 million tonnes per annum.

Additionally, the CStore1 Project design is modular and scalable, with additional CO2 carriers and FSI Hub Facilities that can be added into the network to rapidly increase injection capacity.  This approach will also contribute to the reduction of the unit cost per tonne of CO2 to be injected through improvements in economies of scale.

The CStore1 Project supports industry and community goals towards decarbonisation and transitioning to a future green economy. This is aligned with deepC Store’s goals of:

  • Be Australia and Asia Pacific’s first floating multi-user CCS hub.

  • Deliver a CCS project that aligns with the Australian Commonwealth Government’s Low Emissions Technology Statement.

  • Assist Australia in meeting the global emissions reduction target of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5% and the “well below 2°C” scenario ratified in United Nation’s Paris Agreement.

  • Help Australia attain the status of becoming a “CCUS hub” from the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OTCI).

  • Help the world achieve United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of "Affordable & Clean Energy".

  • Assist in establishing Australia’s position in the Asia Pacific region as a leading developer / producer of CCS hub infrastructure, CCS services, and carbon reduced commodities (reduced carbon iron ore, natural gas and other natural resources).

 What Makes Us Different

CStore1 will be the first large-scale offshore multi-user hub

CStore1 will establish Australia’s and Asia Pacific’s first large-scale offshore multi-user hub infrastructure for receiving and storing CO2 from multiple sources and industries.

This openness and flexibility are a unique value of the project, as other CCS projects only can be accessed by one or very few CO2 sources. It makes it possible for any industrial emitter that is close to sea and within reasonable shipping distance from the CStore1 project’s CO2 Floating Storage and Injection (FSI) hub facility site location in offshore Australia to get started with carbon capture at industrial scale and to abate its CO2 emissions via the CStore1 project.

The multi-user nature also makes the CStore1 project an excellent platform for establishing CCS relationships with countries and companies that can result in 3rd party CO2 supply volumes for the CStore1 project as well as that for other future CCS projects.

CStore1 project design is modular and scalable

CStore1 project design allows for additional CO2 carriers and FSI Hub Facilities that can be added into the network to rapidly increase injection capacity. This approach will also contribute to the reduction of the unit cost per tonne of CO2 to be injected through improvements in economies of scale.

Enabling access to depleted oil and gas reservoirs and suitable aquifers

Regarding the rationale for the CStore1 project’s FSI Hub facility to be located offshore, Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has identified multiple depleted oil and gas reservoirs and suitable aquifers located in offshore WA, NT and Victoria region for potential commercial-scale CCS projects.

While this shows strong potential for Australia to serve the CO2 transport and storage business, many of the identified offshore CO2 injection sites are remotely located and will require long-distance pipelines if the CO2 storage and injection hub facility were to be built onshore. Having the FSI Hub Facility located offshore in close proximity to the identified offshore CO2 injection sites will significantly reduce the pipeline and compression power requirement for the CO2 injection.

deepC Store’s Value Proposition

  • Extensive commercial, technical and regulatory approvals expertise to develop offshore oil and gas major capital projects in Australia.

  • Strategic partnerships with global tier one research and energy companies to develop, finance and operate the CStore1, and to establish CCS relationships with countries and companies that can result in third party volumes for the CStore1 as well as for future CCS projects.

  • Extensive and established networks with all the owners of the permit holders of suitable depleted oil and gas reservoirs and aquifers located in offshore WA, NT and Victoria regions.